You can also find my articles on Google Scholar and ResearchGate.
Peer reviewed
14. Rizzuto, M.✉, Leroux, S. J., Schmitz, O. J. Rewiring the carbon cycle: a theoretical framework for animal-driven ecosystem carbon sequestration. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2024(129), e2024JG008026.
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13. Rizzuto, M.✉, Leroux, S.J., Schmitz, O.J., Vander Wal, E., Wiersma, Y.F., Heckford, T.R. Animal-vectored nutrient flows across resource gradients influence the nature of local and meta-ecosystem functioning. Ecological Modelling, 2024(488), 110570.
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12. McLeod, A. M.✉, Leroux, S. J., Rizzuto, M., Leibold, M. A., Schiesari, L. Integrating ecosystem and contaminant models to predict the effects of ecosystem fluxes on contaminant dynamics. Ecosphere, 2024, 15(1): e4739. 
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11. Heckford, T.R.✉, Leroux, S.J., Vander Wal, E., Rizzuto, M., Balluffi-Fry, J., Richmond, I.C., Wiersma, Y.F. Ecoregion and community structure influences on the foliar elemental niche of balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.) and white birch (Betula papyrifera Marshall) Ecology and Evolution, 2022(12), e9244. 
Abstract | Full text | Data and code |
10. Little, C.J.✉, Rizzuto, M.✉, Luhring, T.M., Monk, J.D., Nowicki, R.J., Paseka, R.E., Stegen, J.C., Symons, C.C., Taub, F.B., Yan, J.D.L. (2022) Movement with Meaning: Integrating Information into Meta-Ecology. Oikos, 2022(8), e08892. Editor's Choice 
Abstract | Full text |
9. Balluffi-Fry, J.✉, Leroux, S.J., Wiersma, Y.F., Richmond, I.C., Heckford, T.H., Rizzuto, M., Kennah, J.L., Vander Wal, E. (2022) Integrating plant stoichiometry and feeding experiments: state-dependent forage choice and its implications on body mass. Oecologia, 198(3), 579–591
Abstract | Full text | Data and code |
8. Richmond, I.C.✉, Balluffi-Fry, J., Vander Wal, E., Leroux, S.J., Rizzuto, M., Heckford, T.R., Kennah, J.L., Riefesel, G.R., Wiersma, Y.F. (2022) Individual snowshoe hares manage risk differently: Integrating stoichiometric distribution models and foraging ecology. Journal of Mammalogy, 103(1), 196–208.
Abstract | Full text | Data and code |
7. Heckford, T.R.✉, Leroux, S.J., Vander Wal, E., Rizzuto, M., Balluffi-Fry, J., Richmond, I.C., Wiersma, Y.F. (2022). Spatially explicit correlates of plant functional traits inform landscape patterns of resource quality. Landscape Ecology, 37, 59–80.
Abstract | Full text | Data and code |
6. Rizzuto, M.✉, Leroux, S.J., Vander Wal, E., Richmond, I.C., Heckford, T.R., Balluffi-Fry, J., Wiersma, Y.F. (2021) Forage stoichiometry predicts the home range size of a small terrestrial herbivore. Oecologia, 197(2), 327–338. Winner, Hanski Prize 2021
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5. Ellis-Soto, D.✉, Ferraro, K.M., Rizzuto, M., Briggs, E., Monk, J.D., and Schmitz, O.J. (2021) A Methodological Roadmap to Quantify Animal-vectored Spatial Ecosystem Subsidies. Journal of Animal Ecology, 90(7), 1605–1622. Winner, Sidnie Manton Award 2021
Abstract | Full text |
4. Richmond, I. C.✉, Leroux, S.J., Vander Wal, E., Heckford, T.R., Rizzuto, M., Balluffi-Fry, J., Kennah, J., Wiersma, Y.F. (2021). Temporal variation and its drivers in the elemental traits of four boreal plant species. Journal of Plant Ecology, 14(3), 398–413
Abstract | Full text | Data and code |
3. Balluffi-Fry, J.✉, Leroux, S.J., Wiersma, Y.F., Heckford, T.R., Rizzuto, M., Richmond, I.C., Vander Wal, E. (2020). Quantity-quality trade-offs revealed using a multiscale test of herbivore resource selection on elemental landscapes. Ecology and Evolution, 10, 13847–13859. 
Abstract | Full text | Data and code |
2. Rizzuto, M.✉, Leroux, S.J., Vander Wal, E., Wiersma, Y.F., Heckford, T.R., Balluffi-Fry, J. (2019). Patterns and potential drivers of intraspecific variability in the body C, N, P composition of a terrestrial vertebrate, the snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus). Ecology and Evolution, 9, 14453–14464. 
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1. Rizzuto, M.✉, Carbone, C. and Pawar, S. (2018). Foraging constraints reverse the scaling of activity time in carnivores. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 2(2), 247–253. Cover story
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